Class reptilia characteristics pdf file

Removes nitrogenous wastes and protects the embryo from drying out. During some period of their life cycle, chordates possess a notochord, a dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, an endostyle, and a postanal tail. Members of the class reptilia all share numerous characteristics called synapomorphies of physiology, behavior, and functional morphology that readily set them apart from amphibians, mammals, turtles, tuataras, and birds. Which of the following reptile traits is most responsible. Birds evolved from a lineage of reptiles dinosaurs. Pdf by september 2009 an estimated 9084 species of extant reptiles have been. Class reptilia and class amphibia share many traits, but reptiles are able to inhabit many areas that amphibians cannot. Even though most traditional models of classification will put birds in their own class, they. Ppt class reptilia powerpoint presentation free to view. Reptile simple english wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The more recently shared a common ancestor and the more closely they are related in evolutionary terms.

Amphibians amphibia and reptiles reptilia are two classes of animals that are grouped together because they are considered cold blooded however this is an improper term. Egg covered in a mineralized shell reptiles have leathery eggs. They are actually considered ectothermic, meaning they derive heat from outside sources, most commonly the sun. What does it generally mean when two species share the more derived genetic characteristics. An introductory presentation for my high school zoology course that examines the class reptilia. True false question 6 2 2 pts which two of the following. Introduction the word reptilia came from latin word reptum which means creep. In this article we will discuss about the characters and classification of reptilia.

The class name refers to their creeping or crawling mode of locomotion latin, repere or reptum, to creep or crawl. Snakes and lizards are in class reptilia, order squamata. Order crocodilia crocodilians, order testudines turtles, and. A basioccipital bone is present in the skull which articulates with the vertebral column by a single condyle. Craniata, subphylum craniata, subphylum vertebrata, vertebrata fishes. Ppt class reptilia powerpoint presentation free to. Reptilia definition of reptilia by the free dictionary. This marks the start of the amniotes animals with amniotic eggs amniotes include. The phylogeny and classification of reptiles not many. Class synapsida includes mammals and all their forebears.

Phylum reptilia objective type questions pdf download. The function of these temporal fossae was probably to enable the jaw muscles to. Snakes are distinguished from other reptiles by the following combination of characteristics. Information about class reptilia in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. They have evolved from the amphibians and in turn, give raise to the birds and mammals. Yolk sac surrounds the yolk nutrients for embryo d. External structure ecdysismolting color for camouflage, mimicry and warnings. The class reptilia, or reptiles, traditionally included a diverse group of animals. Adaptations for terrestrial life amphibians are adapted to live on land parttime. One of the most striking of these is the presence in males of welldeveloped, paired copulatory organs called hemipenes. Reptiles live in a wide range of habitats, including forests, swamps, grasslands, deserts, oceans, and mountains. Class reptilia turtles, tortoises, tuataras, crocodilians, lizards, and snakes classification domain eukarya kingdom animalia phylum chordata subphylum vertebrata class reptilia order chelonia order crocodilia order squamata order rhynchocephalia order chelonia turtles and tortoises earliest fossils dated to 200 m. But the point of this article is merely to give you a glimpse into the fascinating world of reptiles and, hopefully, pique.

Cant wait to have reptiles alive back next year to our event. Amnion thin membrane enclosing the fluid in which the embryo floatsprevents drying out. Kodi archive and support file community software vintage software apk msdos cdrom software cdrom software library. The study of these traditional reptile orders, historically combined with that of modern amphibians, is called herpetology. Class reptilia is made up of four orders classified as chelonia, rhynchocephalia, squamata, and crocodilia frye, 1991. Aug 10, 2017 class reptilia is the group of animals known as the reptiles.

All reptiles, including snakes, turtles, crocodiles, and lizards, are equipped with airbreathing lungs, though different kinds of reptiles employ different means of respiration. Scientists classify organisms and assign each one a universally accepted name. Reptilia synonyms, reptilia pronunciation, reptilia translation, english dictionary definition of reptilia. Class reptilia is the group of animals known as the reptiles.

Learn what reptiles are, how they defend themselves, examples of reptiles and much more. About 6,340 amphibians have been identified, 32 percent of which are either threatened or extinct and over 42 percent of which are declining in number. Class aves blackthroated green warbler dendroica virens federal heritage grank srank grank srank status status simplified simplified n n g5 s4b g5 s4 gtrend stable gtrend the breeding bird survey shows a significant increase of 1. Scientists once communicated about organisms by using common names. Themed practice pages and teaching tools also focus on a range of language arts and math skills. Reptiles therefore identified as amniotes that are not birds 6.

An amphibian is a class of animals that live their lives both in and out of water. Below, i have compiled what i feel are some of the most interesting facts about the reptiles of the world. The upper part of the skull of reptiles is modified giving the reptiles a far more efficient and powerful jaw action and making the skull light. Some of the general characters of class reptilia are listed below. Mammals are of different types and can be distinguished up into marine mammals, smaller mammals and larger mammals. Class osteichthyes subclass actinopterygii infraclass chondrostei. The class reptilia includes the snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and turtles of the world. The amniotic egg is different because they have four extra membranes. Reptiles are coldblooded vertebrates, breath by lungs and having the body covered by scales or scutes. Reptilia class of coldblooded airbreathing vertebrates with completely ossified skeleton and a body usually covered with scales or horny plates. Pdf the original descriptions of reptiles researchgate. Reptile, any member of the class reptilia, the group of airbreathing vertebrates that have internal fertilization, amniotic development, and epidermal scales covering part or all of their body. Fun reptile facts for kids interesting information about. What is an example of a hypothesis that may explain species of the class reptilia are rarely found in polar regions.

True false question 6 2 2 pts which two of the following animals are most closely related to each other. Chart and diagram slides for powerpoint beautifully designed chart and diagram s for powerpoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. Species from three of these orders occur in north america. One of the most important characteristics of animals is how efficiently they gather and utilize oxygen, the molecular fuel that powers metabolic processes. Notice how birds somehow fall into this phylogenetic tree. They have a long vertebral column to protect their nerve chord, a sturdy rib cage to protect vital organs. Some of these are facts about reptiles in general, while other are facts about particular species within the class reptilia. Reptiles and amphibians teach kids about reptiles and amphibians with informational texts, science projects, worksheets, and educational activities. Currently, 301 species of reptiles are recognized in north america north of mexico.

A set of pictures, labels, and definitions illustrating the main characteristics internal parts of the reptile a booklet of the main characteristics internal parts of the reptile a wall chart of the reptile a live reptile, both a snake and lizard are preferred. Characteristics of class mammalia is an online article publishing site that helps you to submit your knowledge so that it may be preserved for eternity. Reptile, any member of the class reptilia, the group of airbreathing vertebrates that have internal fertilization, amniotic development, and. Class reptilia grade reptiles clade if you include aves a. Class agnatha subclass pteraspidomorphi diplorhina subclass cephalaspidomorpha. The reptiles are classified mainly on the structure of their skulls, in which there are temporal vacuities or fossae or empty spaces in the temporal region. All these animals fall under the same phylum, the phylum chordata. Rachel was incredibly professional, engaging, and clearly loves what she does. May 10, 2010 an introductory presentation for my high school zoology course that examines the class reptilia. Thus reptiles are concerned in three of the four major jumps the class to class transitions in vertebrate evolution. First, the class reptilia lies at the center of vertebrate history. They are vertebrates, which puts them in the same phylum as humans, dogs, cats, fish and many other animals. Though variation exists in reptiles, there are a few physical traits that unite them.

Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Class reptilia body plan have a scale covered skin, and they have claws. They are mostly terrestrial animals and their body is covered by dry and cornified skin, epidermal scales or scutes. Classification of reptilia zoology for ias, ifos and. Skeletal system all reptiles have a hard, bony skull to protect their brains. Another reason is that the word reptile is misleading because many extinct types were very different from living reptiles. In this lesson, well explore the reptile class, discover what other animals are reptiles, what makes them related, and why they are important.

Elongation of internal organs and often the loss of the left lung. Class aves kentucky department of fish and wildlife. The reptiles class reptilia include turtles, snakes, alligators, and lizards. Thus reptiles are concerned in three of the four major jumps the classtoclass transitions in vertebrate evolution. Reptilia are two classes of animals that are grouped. Our new crystalgraphics chart and diagram slides for powerpoint is a collection of over impressively designed datadriven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. I could just as easily have expanded this list to be 50 interesting facts or even 100. Phylum reptilia mcq multiple choice question and answer phylum reptilia mcq with detailed explanation for interview, entrance and competitive exams. Species of the class reptilia are abundant and more diverse in hot climate regions and are rare in regions of intense cold, such as those close to the poles. Class reptilia the upper part of the skull of reptiles is modified giving the reptiles a far more efficient and powerful jaw action and making the skull light.

Download objective type questions of phylum reptilia pdf visit our pdf store. Read on and enjoy a variety of interesting information about reptiles. Scientists classify because it is an organized way to communicate about the same organism all over the world. Classification of reptilia zoology for ias, ifos and other. Welcome to our presentation classification of reptiles 2. These are a diverse group of animals that are coldblooded and have or had scales. Class reptilia definition of class reptilia by the free. The class reptilia the reptiles class reptilia exploring nature. Class reptilia vertebrate zoology lecture notes docsity.

Amphibians are the most threatened class of animals due to extensive water pollution and the appropriation of their aquatic habitat for human needs. External structure dry thick, keratinized skinforms scales. Muscular system all reptiles mainly use their muscles as locomotion. So instead of reptilia as a taxonomic class, today many experts use class sauropsida which includes all reptiles and birds, living and extinct. Proper usage and audio pronunciation of the word class reptilia. Are amniotes the egg has extra membranes that protect the embryo and prevent the embryo from drying out. Bones of the skull are loosely attached and not fused. Class reptilia a free powerpoint ppt presentation displayed as a flash slide show on id. Reptilia article about reptilia by the free dictionary. Reptiles are tetrapod animals in the class reptilia, comprising todays turtles, crocodilians, snakes, amphisbaenians, lizards, tuatara, and their extinct relatives.

Class reptiles is not a monophyletic group because traditionally it does not include birds. Since mammals are of different types they are classified into three subclass based on their reproduction. In 1895, herpetologists separated reptiles from amphibia. There are almost 10,000 species of reptiles on the planet lumped into a single class known as reptilia. They are the first cold blooded vertebrates from evolution point of view which came to the land. Some of the general characters of class amphibian are listed below. Class amphibia amphibians click on any image for larger version tetrapod characteristics. Following are the important characteristics of the animals belonging to class reptilia. There are about 6,550 living species of reptiles worldwide. Living and extinct member of class reptilia along with dinosaurs and birds. General characters of class reptilia free download as powerpoint presentation. The major groups of living reptiles are turtles, tuatara, lizards, snakes, and crocodiles. Question 1 2 2 pts class reptilia and class amphibia share many traits, but reptiles are able to inhabit many areas that amphibians cannot.

Which of the following reptile traits is most responsible for this ability. These 21 interesting facts about reptiles merely scratch the surface. General characters of class reptilia reptile anatomy scribd. Class reptilia, mesozoic era, age of reptiles, early evolution of amniotes, characteristics of reptiles, terrestrial. Nov 21, 2017 reptilia, presented as a class in our classification, includes turtles testudines, snakes and lizards lepidosauria, crocodiles and their relatives crocodilia, and birds aves, as well as a. There are three orders within this class, the most common of which includes frogs and toads. All the articles you read in this site are contributed by users like you, with a single vision to liberate knowledge. Amphibian characteristics, taxonomy, and evolution goal of the lecture reading assignments.

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